I attempt to start or restart a blog every few years and, every time, I fail. In fact, I believe I start every new post with a sentence very similar to the one I just used. So why is this one going to be any different? I don't know that it will be, but I do have high hopes for it.
Life changed a lot for me in 2013. Life as I knew it was upended out of its box, thrown on the ground, pieces flung around the room and then stuffed into another box and handed to me. In the span of one year I graduated (May), was promoted to Project Manager and took over 15 projects (June), moved (August), lost two grandparents (August/September), and got married (September). It's been a crazy year. I've been on one hell of an emotional roller coaster: stressed, elated, stressed, excited, confused, heart broken, lost, and stressed and excited again. I'm ready for a calm 2014, but also a chance to start over with my new box.
I've loved writing and words ever since I could remember. I grew up loving to talk to people, make up my own stories and friends in my head (only child problems), and reading. I took those loves with me to college and majored in English and minored in Writing. I was published in the campus literary magazine, I wrote for a local women's magazine...and then I grew up and got a job. I now write grants (government grants - there is nothing creative about them) and administer them. If I'm lucky, I get to do some land use planning, which is fun. But overall, I miss words, I miss writing. And for the first time in 4 years, I'm not in school or planning a wedding. I can write!
And I can cook. And I can craft. And I can say "Hey Aaron, let's do this!" and have him look at me like I'm only slightly crazy. I'm SO. EXCITED.
So, this blog thing. What in the world are you going to get? Well, you'll get me trying, and probably failing, at some pinterest projects. I have a crap ton of wedding photos and mementos that I plan on crafting like crazy. I figure I'm (hopefully) doing this once, might as well remember it...and all the crazy stuff that happened in between. You'll get me cooking. Not baking, I play around too much to bake (though when I do it, I do it well). You'll get the crazy ideas that Aaron and I come up with (get excited!). And you'll get our friends and family, because we have awesome ones and life is too short to not enjoy them.
In addition, you will NOT get new year's resolutions. I am terrible at them. Instead you get this. You get me. See you soon!
Hi Sarah, Just was direct over by Danielle. What fun! Your bookmarked. Looking forward to your musings.